X-Git-Url: http://koha-dev.rot13.org:8081/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=installer%2Fdata%2Fmysql%2Fmandatory%2Fsysprefs.sql;h=14a810f16c30e5df984c5a162f8d8a3b5674436a;hb=4a3b988d5c5f01d98e742f8949240a0d903919c2;hp=d7a01a7bcca5d4f3b101d316e58a4cc496931b0d;hpb=61ed4887e116ae502672ec9ed46ef5fcd2bafa26;p=koha-ffzg.git diff --git a/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql b/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql index d7a01a7bcc..14a810f16c 100644 --- a/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql +++ b/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('AcquisitionLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log acquisitions activity','YesNo'), ('AcqViewBaskets','user','user|branch|all','Define which baskets a user is allowed to view: their own only, any within their branch, or all','Choice'), ('AcqWarnOnDuplicateInvoice','0','','Warn librarians when they try to create a duplicate invoice','YesNo'), +('AdditionalContentsEditor','tinymce','tinymce|codemirror','Choose tool for editing News.', 'Choice'), ('AdditionalFieldsInZ3950ResultSearch', '', NULL, 'Determines which MARC field/subfields are displayed in -Additional field- column in the result of a search Z3950', 'Free'), ('AddressForFailedOverdueNotices', '', NULL, 'Destination email for failed overdue notices. If left empty then it will fallback to the first defined address in the following list: Library ReplyTo, Library Email, ReplytoDefault and KohaAdminEmailAddress', 'free'), ('AddressFormat','us','us|de|fr','Choose format to display postal addresses', 'Choice'), -('AdlibrisCoversEnabled','0',NULL,'Display cover images in OPAC results and detail listing from Swedish retailer Adlibris.','YesNo'), -('AdlibrisCoversURL','http://www.adlibris.com/se/organisationer/showimagesafe.aspx',NULL,'Base URL for Adlibris cover image web service.','Free'), ('advancedMARCeditor','0','','If ON, the MARC editor won\'t display field/subfield descriptions','YesNo'), ('AdvancedSearchLanguages','','','ISO 639-2 codes of languages you wish to see appear as an Advanced search option. Example: eng|fre|ita','Textarea'), ('AdvancedSearchTypes','itemtypes','itemtypes|ccode','Select which set of fields comprise the Type limit in the advanced search','Choice'), @@ -44,6 +43,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('AllowRenewalLimitOverride','0',NULL,'if ON, allows renewal limits to be overridden on the circulation screen','YesNo'), ('AllowRenewalOnHoldOverride','0',NULL,'If ON, allow items on hold to be renewed with a specified due date','YesNo'), ('AllowReturnToBranch','anywhere','anywhere|homebranch|holdingbranch|homeorholdingbranch','Where an item may be returned','Choice'), +('AllowSetAutomaticRenewal','1',NULL,'If ON, allows staff to flag items for automatic renewal on the check out page','YesNo'), ('AllowStaffToSetCheckoutsVisibilityForGuarantor','0',NULL,'If enabled, library staff can set a patron''s checkouts to be visible to linked patrons from the opac.', 'YesNo'), ('AllowStaffToSetFinesVisibilityForGuarantor','0',NULL,'If enabled, library staff can set a patron''s fines to be visible to linked patrons from the opac.', 'YesNo'), ('AllowTooManyOverride','1','','If on, allow staff to override and check out items when the patron has reached the maximum number of allowed checkouts','YesNo'), @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('ArticleRequestsMandatoryFields', '', NULL, 'Comma delimited list of required fields for bibs where article requests rule = ''yes''', 'multiple'), ('ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsItemOnly', '', NULL, 'Comma delimited list of required fields for bibs where article requests rule = ''item_only''', 'multiple'), ('ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsRecordOnly', '', NULL, 'Comma delimited list of required fields for bibs where article requests rule = ''bib_only''', 'multiple'), +('ArticleRequestsSupportedFormats', 'PHOTOCOPY', 'PHOTOCOPY|SCAN', 'List supported formats between vertical bars', 'free'), ('AudioAlerts','0','','Enable circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet.','YesNo'), ('AuthDisplayHierarchy','0','','Display authority hierarchies','YesNo'), ('AuthFailureLog','0',NULL,'If enabled, log authentication failures','YesNo'), @@ -69,11 +70,12 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('AuthorityMergeLimit','50',NULL,'Maximum number of biblio records updated immediately when an authority record has been modified.','integer'), ('AuthorityMergeMode','loose','loose|strict','Authority merge mode','Choice'), ('AuthoritySeparator','--','10','Used to separate a list of authorities in a display. Usually --','free'), +('AuthorityXSLTResultsDisplay','','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over authority results page display on intranet','Free'), ('AuthSuccessLog','0',NULL,'If enabled, log successful authentications','YesNo'), ('autoBarcode','OFF','incremental|annual|hbyymmincr|EAN13|OFF','Used to autogenerate a barcode: incremental will be of the form 1, 2, 3; annual of the form 2007-0001, 2007-0002; hbyymmincr of the form HB08010001 where HB=Home Branch','Choice'), ('AutoCreateAuthorities','0',NULL,'Automatically create authorities that do not exist when cataloging records.','YesNo'), ('AutoCreditNumber', '', '', 'Automatically generate a number for account credits', 'Choice'), -('AutoEmailOpacUser','0',NULL,'Sends notification emails containing new account details to patrons - when account is created.','YesNo'), +('AutoEmailNewUser','0',NULL,'Send an email to newly created patrons.','YesNo'), ('AutoEmailPrimaryAddress','OFF','email|emailpro|B_email|cardnumber|OFF','Defines the default email address where \'Account Details\' emails are sent.','Choice'), ('AutoShareWithMana','subscription','','defines datas automatically shared with mana','multiple'), ('AutoLocation','0',NULL,'If ON, IP authentication is enabled, blocking access to the staff interface from unauthorized IP addresses','YesNo'), @@ -137,12 +139,14 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('ClaimReturnedChargeFee', 'ask', 'ask|charge|no_charge', 'Controls whether or not a lost item fee is charged for return claims', 'Choice'), ('ClaimReturnedLostValue', '', '', 'Sets the LOST AV value that represents "Claims returned" as a lost value', 'Free'), ('ClaimReturnedWarningThreshold', '', '', 'Sets the number of return claims past which the librarian will be warned the patron has many return claims', 'Integer'), +('CleanUpDatabaseReturnClaims', '', '', 'Sets the age of resolved return claims to delete from the database for cleanup_database.pl', 'Integer' ), ('CoceHost', '', NULL, 'Coce server URL', 'Free'), ('CoceProviders', '', 'aws,gb,ol', 'Coce providers', 'multiple'), ('COinSinOPACResults','1','','If ON, use COinS in OPAC search results page. NOTE: this can slow down search response time significantly','YesNo'), ('CollapseFieldsPatronAddForm','',NULL,'Collapse these fields by default when adding a new patron. These fields can still be expanded.','Multiple'), ('ConfirmFutureHolds','0','','Number of days for confirming future holds','Integer'), ('ConsiderOnSiteCheckoutsAsNormalCheckouts','1',NULL,'Consider on-site checkouts as normal checkouts','YesNo'), +('CreateAVFromCataloguing', '1', '', 'Ability to create authorized values from the cataloguing module', 'YesNo'), ('CronjobLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information from cron jobs.','YesNo'), ('CumulativeRestrictionPeriods',0,NULL,'Cumulate the restriction periods instead of keeping the highest','YesNo'), ('CurrencyFormat','US','US|FR|CH','Determines the display format of currencies. eg: \'36000\' is displayed as \'360 000,00\' in \'FR\' or \'360,000.00\' in \'US\'.','Choice'), @@ -160,12 +164,13 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('DefaultHoldExpirationdate','0','','Automatically set expiration date for holds','YesNo'), ('DefaultHoldExpirationdatePeriod','0','','How long into the future default expiration date is set to be.','integer'), ('DefaultHoldExpirationdateUnitOfTime','days','days|months|years','Which unit of time is used when setting the default expiration date. ','choice'), +('DefaultHoldPickupLocation','loggedinlibrary','loggedinlibrary|homebranch|holdingbranch','Which branch should a hold pickup location default to. ','choice'), ('DefaultLanguageField008','','','Fill in the default language for field 008 Range 35-37 of MARC21 records (e.g. eng, nor, ger, see MARC Code List for Languages)','Free'), ('DefaultLongOverdueSkipLostStatuses', '', NULL, 'Skip these lost statuses by default in longoverdue.pl', 'Free'), ('DefaultLongOverdueChargeValue', '', NULL, "Charge a lost item to the borrower's account when the LOST value of the item changes to n.", 'integer'), ('DefaultLongOverdueDays', '', NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item when the item has been overdue for more than n days.", 'integer'), ('DefaultLongOverdueLostValue', '', NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item to n when the item has been overdue for more than defaultlongoverduedays days.", 'integer'), -('DefaultPatronSearchFields', 'surname,firstname,othernames,cardnumber,userid',NULL,'Comma separated list defining the default fields to be used during a patron search using the "standard" option. If empty Koha will default to "surname,firstname,othernames,cardnumber,userid". Additional fields added to this preference will be added as search options in the dropdown menu on the patron search page.','free'), +('DefaultPatronSearchFields', 'firstname,middle_name,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid',NULL,'Comma separated list defining the default fields to be used during a patron search using the "standard" option. If empty Koha will default to "firstname,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid". Additional fields added to this preference will be added as search options in the dropdown menu on the patron search page.','free'), ('DefaultSaveRecordFileID','biblionumber','biblionumber|controlnumber','Defines whether the advanced cataloging editor will use the bibliographic record number or control number field to populate the name of the save file','Choice'), ('defaultSortField','relevance','relevance|popularity|call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title|author','Specify the default field used for sorting','Choice'), ('defaultSortOrder','dsc','asc|dsc|az|za','Specify the default sort order','Choice'), @@ -174,7 +179,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('DefaultToLoggedInLibraryOverdueTriggers', '0', NULL , 'If enabled, overdue status triggers editor will default to the logged in library''s rules, rather than the ''default'' rules.', 'YesNo'), ('CSVDelimiter',';',';|tabulation|,|/|\\|#||','Define the default separator character for exporting reports','Choice'), ('Display856uAsImage','OFF','OFF|Details|Results|Both','Display the URI in the 856u field as an image, the corresponding staff interface XSLT option must be on','Choice'), -('DisplayClearScreenButton','0','','If set to ON, a clear screen button will appear on the circulation page.','YesNo'), +('DisplayClearScreenButton','no','no|issueslip|issueqslip','If set to ON, a clear screen button will appear on the circulation page.','Choice'), ('displayFacetCount','0',NULL,NULL,'YesNo'), ('DisplayIconsXSLT','1','','If ON, displays the format, audience, and material type icons in XSLT MARC21 results and detail pages.','YesNo'), ('DisplayLibraryFacets', 'holding', 'home|holding|both', 'Defines which library facets to display.', 'Choice'), @@ -184,16 +189,20 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('DumpTemplateVarsIntranet', '0', NULL , 'If enabled, dump all Template Toolkit variable to a comment in the html source for the staff intranet.', 'YesNo'), ('DumpTemplateVarsOpac', '0', NULL , 'If enabled, dump all Template Toolkit variable to a comment in the html source for the opac.', 'YesNo'), ('EasyAnalyticalRecords','0','','If on, display in the catalogue screens tools to easily setup analytical record relationships','YesNo'), +('EDIFACT','0',NULL,'Enables EDIFACT acquisitions functions','YesNo'), ('EdifactInvoiceImport', 'automatic', 'automatic|manual', "If on, don't auto-import EDI invoices, just keep them in the database with the status 'new'", 'Choice'), +('EdifactLSQ', 'location', 'location|ccode', 'Map EDI sequence code (GIR+LSQ) to Koha Item field', 'Choice'), ('ElasticsearchIndexStatus_authorities', '0', 'Authorities index status', NULL, NULL), ('ElasticsearchIndexStatus_biblios', '0', 'Biblios index status', NULL, NULL), ('ElasticsearchMARCFormat', 'ISO2709', 'ISO2709|ARRAY', 'Elasticsearch MARC format. ISO2709 format is recommended as it is faster and takes less space, whereas array is searchable.', 'Choice'), ('ElasticsearchCrossFields', '1', '', 'Enable "cross_fields" option for searches using Elastic search.', 'YesNo'), ('EmailAddressForSuggestions','','',' If you choose EmailAddressForSuggestions you have to enter a valid email address: ','free'), ('emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced','0',NULL,'If ON, emails the librarian whenever a hold is placed','YesNo'), +('EmailOverduesNoEmail','1',NULL,'Send send overdues of patrons without email address to staff','YesNo'), ('EmailPurchaseSuggestions','0','0|EmailAddressForSuggestions|BranchEmailAddress|KohaAdminEmailAddress','Choose email address that new purchase suggestions will be sent to: ','Choice'), ('EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor','0','','Enable the Rancor advanced cataloging editor','YesNo'), ('EnableBorrowerFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to a borrower record.','YesNo'), +('EnableExpiredPasswordReset', '0', NULL, 'Enable ability for patrons with expired password to reset their password directly', 'YesNo'), ('EnableOpacSearchHistory','1','YesNo','Enable or disable opac search history',''), ('EnablePointOfSale','0',NULL,'Enable the point of sale feature to allow anonymous transactions with the accounting system. (Requires UseCashRegisters)','YesNo'), ('EnableSearchHistory','0','','Enable or disable search history','YesNo'), @@ -209,6 +218,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('ExtendedPatronAttributes','1',NULL,'Use extended patron IDs and attributes','YesNo'), ('FacetLabelTruncationLength','20',NULL,'Specify the facet max length in OPAC','Integer'), ('FacetMaxCount','20',NULL,'Specify the max facet count for each category','Integer'), +('FacetOrder','Alphabetical','Alphabetical|Usage','Specify the order of facets within each category','Choice'), ('FailedLoginAttempts','','','Number of login attempts before lockout the patron account','Integer'), ('FallbackToSMSIfNoEmail', 0, 'Enable|Disable', 'Send messages by SMS if no patron email is defined', 'YesNo'), ('FeeOnChangePatronCategory','1','','If set, when a patron changes to a category with enrolment fee, a fee is charged','YesNo'), @@ -221,7 +231,8 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('finesMode','off','off|production','Choose the fines mode, \'off\' (no charges), \'production\' (accrue overdue fines). Requires accruefines cronjob.','Choice'), ('FRBRizeEditions','0','','If ON, Koha will query one or more ISBN web services for associated ISBNs and display an Editions tab on the details pages','YesNo'), ('GDPR_Policy','','Enforced|Permissive|Disabled','General Data Protection Regulation - policy', 'Choice'), -('TaxRates','0','','Default Goods and Services tax rate NOT in %, but in numeric form (0.12 for 12%), set to 0 to disable GST','Integer'), +('GenerateAuthorityField667', 'Machine generated authority record', NULL, 'When BiblioAddsAuthorities and AutoCreateAuthorities are enabled, use this as a default value for the 667$a field of MARC21 records', 'free'), +('GenerateAuthorityField670', 'Work cat.', NULL, 'When BiblioAddsAuthorities and AutoCreateAuthorities are enabled, use this as a default value for the 670$a field of MARC21 records', 'free'), ('GoogleJackets','0',NULL,'if ON, displays jacket covers from Google Books API','YesNo'), ('GoogleOpenIDConnect', '0', NULL, 'if ON, allows the use of Google OpenID Connect for login', 'YesNo'), ('GoogleOAuth2ClientID', '', NULL, 'Client ID for the web app registered with Google', 'Free'), @@ -233,8 +244,6 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('hidelostitems','0','','If ON, disables display of\"lost\" items in OPAC.','YesNo'), ('HidePatronName','0','','If this is switched on, patron\'s cardnumber will be shown instead of their name on the holds and catalog screens','YesNo'), ('hide_marc','0',NULL,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)','YesNo'), -('HighlightOwnItemsOnOPAC','0','','If on, and a patron is logged into the OPAC, items from their home library will be emphasized and shown first in search results and item details.','YesNo'), -('HighlightOwnItemsOnOPACWhich','PatronBranch','PatronBranch|OpacURLBranch','Decides which branch\'s items to emphasize. If PatronBranch, emphasize the logged in user\'s library\'s items. If OpacURLBranch, highlight the items of the Apache var BRANCHCODE defined in Koha\'s Apache configuration file.','Choice'), ('HoldFeeMode','not_always','any_time_is_placed|not_always|any_time_is_collected','Set the hold fee mode','Choice'), ('HoldsAutoFill','0',NULL,'If on, librarian will not be asked if hold should be filled, it will be filled automatically','YesNo'), ('HoldsAutoFillPrintSlip','0',NULL,'If on, hold slip print dialog will be displayed automatically','YesNo'), @@ -332,6 +341,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('MarcItemFieldsToOrder','',NULL,'Set the mapping values for new item records created from a MARC record in a staged file. In a YAML format.','textarea'), ('MarkLostItemsAsReturned','batchmod,moredetail,cronjob,additem,pendingreserves,onpayment','claim_returned|batchmod|moredetail|cronjob|additem|pendingreserves|onpayment','Mark items as returned when flagged as lost','multiple'), ('MARCOrgCode','OSt','','Define MARC Organization Code for MARC21 records - http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/orgshome.html','free'), +('MARCOverlayRules','0',NULL,'Use the MARC record overlay rules system to decide what actions to take for each field when modifying records.','YesNo'), ('MaxFine',NULL,'','Maximum fine a patron can have for all late returns at one moment. Single item caps are specified in the circulation rules matrix.','Integer'), ('MaxItemsToDisplayForBatchDel','1000',NULL,'Display up to a given number of items in a single item deletionbatch.','Integer'), ('MaxItemsToDisplayForBatchMod','1000',NULL,'Display up to a given number of items in a single item modification batch.','Integer'), @@ -350,7 +360,6 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('NewItemsDefaultLocation','','','If set, all new items will have a location of the given Location Code ( Authorized Value type LOC )',''), ('NewsAuthorDisplay','none','none|opac|staff|both','Display the author name for news items.','Choice'), ('NewsLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log OPAC news changes','YesNo'), -('NewsToolEditor','tinymce','tinymce|codemirror','Choose tool for editing News.', 'Choice'), ('noissuescharge','5','','Define maximum amount withstanding before checkouts are blocked','Integer'), ('NoIssuesChargeGuarantees','','','Define maximum amount withstanding before checkouts are blocked','Integer'), ('NoIssuesChargeGuarantorsWithGuarantees','','','Define maximum amount withstanding before checkouts are blocked including guarantors and their other guarantees','Integer'), @@ -372,7 +381,6 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('NovelistSelectView','tab','tab|above|below|right','Where to display Novelist Select content','Choice'), ('NumberOfSuggestionDays','',NULL,'Number of days that will be used to determine the MaxTotalSuggestions limit','Free'), ('numReturnedItemsToShow','20',NULL,'Number of returned items to show on the check-in page','Integer'), -('NumSavedReports', '20', NULL, 'By default, show this number of saved reports.', 'Integer'), ('numSearchResults','20',NULL,'Specify the maximum number of results to display on a page of results','Integer'), ('numSearchResultsDropdown', 0, NULL, 'Enable option list of number of results per page to show in staff interface search results','YesNo'), ('numSearchRSSResults','50',NULL,'Specify the maximum number of results to display on a RSS page of results','Integer'), @@ -387,6 +395,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown','0','','Adds a pulldown menu to select the library to search on the opac masthead.','YesNo'), ('OpacAdvSearchMoreOptions','pubdate,itemtype,language,subtype,sorting,location','Show search options for the expanded view (More options)','pubdate|itemtype|language|subtype|sorting|location','multiple'), ('OpacAdvSearchOptions','pubdate,itemtype,language,sorting,location','Show search options','pubdate|itemtype|language|subtype|sorting|location','multiple'), +('OpacAdvancedSearchTypes','itemtypes','itemtypes|ccode','Select which set of fields are available as limits on the OPAC advanced search page','Choice'), ('OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture','0','','If set, along with the AllowHoldDateInFuture system preference, OPAC users can set the date of a hold to be in the future.','YesNo'), ('OpacAllowPublicListCreation','1',NULL,'If set, allows opac users to create public lists','YesNo'), ('OpacAllowSharingPrivateLists','0',NULL,'If set, allows opac users to share private lists with other patrons','YesNo'), @@ -421,9 +430,9 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickup','1','','Allow to pickup up holds at libraries where the item is available','YesNo'), ('OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickupExceptions','','','List the patron categories not affected by OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickup if off','Free'), ('OpacHoldNotes','0','','Show hold notes on OPAC','YesNo'), +('OPACHoldRequests','1',NULL,'If ON, globally enables patron holds on OPAC','YesNo'), ('OPACISBD','#100||{ 100a }{ 100b }{ 100c }{ 100d }{ 110a }{ 110b }{ 110c }{ 110d }{ 110e }{ 110f }{ 110g }{ 130a }{ 130d }{ 130f }{ 130g }{ 130h }{ 130k }{ 130l }{ 130m }{ 130n }{ 130o }{ 130p }{ 130r }{ 130s }{ 130t }|

\r\n#245||{ 245a }{ 245b }{245f }{ 245g }{ 245k }{ 245n }{ 245p }{ 245s }{ 245h }|\r\n#246||{ : 246i }{ 246a }{ 246b }{ 246f }{ 246g }{ 246n }{ 246p }{ 246h }|\r\n#242||{ = 242a }{ 242b }{ 242n }{ 242p }{ 242h }|\r\n#245||{ 245c }|\r\n#242||{ = 242c }|\r\n#250| - |{ 250a }{ 250b }|\r\n#254|, |{ 254a }|\r\n#255|, |{ 255a }{ 255b }{ 255c }{ 255d }{ 255e }{ 255f }{ 255g }|\r\n#256|, |{ 256a }|\r\n#257|, |{ 257a }|\r\n#258|, |{ 258a }{ 258b }|\r\n#260| - |{ 260a }{ 260b }{ 260c }|\r\n#300| - |{ 300a }{ 300b }{ 300c }{ 300d }{ 300e }{ 300f }{ 300g }|\r\n#306| - |{ 306a }|\r\n#307| - |{ 307a }{ 307b }|\r\n#310| - |{ 310a }{ 310b }|\r\n#321| - |{ 321a }{ 321b }|\r\n#340| - |{ 3403 }{ 340a }{ 340b }{ 340c }{ 340d }{ 340e }{ 340f }{ 340h }{ 340i }|\r\n#342| - |{ 342a }{ 342b }{ 342c }{ 342d }{ 342e }{ 342f }{ 342g }{ 342h }{ 342i }{ 342j }{ 342k }{ 342l }{ 342m }{ 342n }{ 342o }{ 342p }{ 342q }{ 342r }{ 342s }{ 342t }{ 342u }{ 342v }{ 342w }|\r\n#343| - |{ 343a }{ 343b }{ 343c }{ 343d }{ 343e }{ 343f }{ 343g }{ 343h }{ 343i }|\r\n#351| - |{ 3513 }{ 351a }{ 351b }{ 351c }|\r\n#352| - |{ 352a }{ 352b }{ 352c }{ 352d }{ 352e }{ 352f }{ 352g }{ 352i }{ 352q }|\r\n#362| - |{ 362a }{ 351z }|\r\n#440| - |{ 440a }{ 440n }{ 440p }{ 440v }{ 440x }|.\r\n#490| - |{ 490a }{ 490v }{ 490x }|.\r\n#800| - |{ 800a }{ 800b }{ 800c }{ 800d }{ 800e }{ 800f }{ 800g }{ 800h }{ 800j }{ 800k }{ 800l }{ 800m }{ 800n }{ 800o }{ 800p }{ 800q }{ 800r }{ 800s }{ 800t }{ 800u }{ 800v }|.\r\n#810| - |{ 810a }{ 810b }{ 810c }{ 810d }{ 810e }{ 810f }{ 810g }{ 810h }{ 810k }{ 810l }{ 810m }{ 810n }{ 810o }{ 810p }{ 810r }{ 810s }{ 810t }{ 810u }{ 810v }|.\r\n#811| - |{ 811a }{ 811c }{ 811d }{ 811e }{ 811f }{ 811g }{ 811h }{ 811k }{ 811l }{ 811n }{ 811p }{ 811q }{ 811s }{ 811t }{ 811u }{ 811v }|.\r\n#830| - |{ 830a }{ 830d }{ 830f }{ 830g }{ 830h }{ 830k }{ 830l }{ 830m }{ 830n }{ 830o }{ 830p }{ 830r }{ 830s }{ 830t }{ 830v }|.\r\n#500|

|{ 5003 }{ 500a }|\r\n#501|

|{ 501a }|\r\n#502|

|{ 502a }|\r\n#504|

|{ 504a }|\r\n#505|

|{ 505a }{ 505t }{ 505r }{ 505g }{ 505u }|\r\n#506|

|{ 5063 }{ 506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{ 506u }|\r\n#507|

|{ 507a }{ 507b }|\r\n#508|

|{ 508a }{ 508a }|\r\n#510|

|{ 5103 }{ 510a }{ 510x }{ 510c }{ 510b }|\r\n#511|

|{ 511a }|\r\n#513|

|{ 513a }{513b }|\r\n#514|

|{ 514z }{ 514a }{ 514b }{ 514c }{ 514d }{ 514e }{ 514f }{ 514g }{ 514h }{ 514i }{ 514j }{ 514k }{ 514m }{ 514u }|\r\n#515|

|{ 515a }|\r\n#516|

|{ 516a }|\r\n#518|

|{ 5183 }{ 518a }|\r\n#520|

|{ 5203 }{ 520a }{ 520b }{ 520u }|\r\n#521|

|{ 5213 }{ 521a }{ 521b }|\r\n#522|

|{ 522a }|\r\n#524|

|{ 524a }|\r\n#525|

|{ 525a }|\r\n#526|

|{\\n510i }{\\n510a }{ 510b }{ 510c }{ 510d }{\\n510x }|\r\n#530|

|{\\n5063 }{\\n506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{\\n506u }|\r\n#533|

|{\\n5333 }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }|\r\n#534|

|{\\n533p }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }{\\n533t }{\\n533x }{\\n533z }|\r\n#535|

|{\\n5353 }{\\n535a }{\\n535b }{\\n535c }{\\n535d }|\r\n#538|

|{\\n5383 }{\\n538a }{\\n538i }{\\n538u }|\r\n#540|

|{\\n5403 }{\\n540a }{ 540b }{ 540c }{ 540d }{\\n520u }|\r\n#544|

|{\\n5443 }{\\n544a }{\\n544b }{\\n544c }{\\n544d }{\\n544e }{\\n544n }|\r\n#545|

|{\\n545a }{ 545b }{\\n545u }|\r\n#546|

|{\\n5463 }{\\n546a }{ 546b }|\r\n#547|

|{\\n547a }|\r\n#550|

|{ 550a }|\r\n#552|

|{ 552z }{ 552a }{ 552b }{ 552c }{ 552d }{ 552e }{ 552f }{ 552g }{ 552h }{ 552i }{ 552j }{ 552k }{ 552l }{ 552m }{ 552n }{ 562o }{ 552p }{ 552u }|\r\n#555|

|{ 5553 }{ 555a }{ 555b }{ 555c }{ 555d }{ 555u }|\r\n#556|

|{ 556a }{ 506z }|\r\n#563|

|{ 5633 }{ 563a }{ 563u }|\r\n#565|

|{ 5653 }{ 565a }{ 565b }{ 565c }{ 565d }{ 565e }|\r\n#567|

|{ 567a }|\r\n#580|

|{ 580a }|\r\n#581|

|{ 5633 }{ 581a }{ 581z }|\r\n#584|

|{ 5843 }{ 584a }{ 584b }|\r\n#585|

|{ 5853 }{ 585a }|\r\n#586|

|{ 5863 }{ 586a }|\r\n#020|

|{ 020a }{ 020c }|\r\n#022|

|{ 022a }|\r\n#222| = |{ 222a }{ 222b }|\r\n#210| = |{ 210a }{ 210b }|\r\n#024|

|{ 024a }{ 024c }{ 024d }{ 0242 }|\r\n#027|

|{ 027a }|\r\n#028|

|{ 028a }{ 028b }|\r\n#013|

|{ 013a }{ 013b }{ 013c }{ 013d }{ 013e }{ 013f }|\r\n#030|

|{ 030a }|\r\n#037|

|{ 037a }{ 037b }{ 037c }{ 037f }{ 037g }{ 037n }|\r\n#010|

|{ 010a }|\r\n#015|

|{ 015a }{ 0152 }|\r\n#016|

|{ 016a }{ 0162 }|\r\n#600|

|{\\n6003 }{\\n600a}{ 600b }{ 600c }{ 600d }{ 600e }{ 600f }{ 600g }{ 600h }{--600k}{ 600l }{ 600m }{ 600n }{ 600o }{--600p}{ 600r }{ 600s }{ 600t }{ 600u }{--600x}{--600z}{--600y}{--600v}|\r\n#610|

|{\\n6103 }{\\n610a}{ 610b }{ 610c }{ 610d }{ 610e }{ 610f }{ 610g }{ 610h }{--610k}{ 610l }{ 610m }{ 610n }{ 610o }{--610p}{ 610r }{ 610s }{ 610t }{ 610u }{--610x}{--610z}{--610y}{--610v}|\r\n#611|

|{\\n6113 }{\\n611a}{ 611b }{ 611c }{ 611d }{ 611e }{ 611f }{ 611g }{ 611h }{--611k}{ 611l }{ 611m }{ 611n }{ 611o }{--611p}{ 611r }{ 611s }{ 611t }{ 611u }{--611x}{--611z}{--611y}{--611v}|\r\n#630|

|{\\n630a}{ 630b }{ 630c }{ 630d }{ 630e }{ 630f }{ 630g }{ 630h }{--630k }{ 630l }{ 630m }{ 630n }{ 630o }{--630p}{ 630r }{ 630s }{ 630t }{--630x}{--630z}{--630y}{--630v}|\r\n#648|

|{\\n6483 }{\\n648a }{--648x}{--648z}{--648y}{--648v}|\r\n#650|

|{\\n6503 }{\\n650a}{ 650b }{ 650c }{ 650d }{ 650e }{--650x}{--650z}{--650y}{--650v}|\r\n#651|

|{\\n6513 }{\\n651a}{ 651b }{ 651c }{ 651d }{ 651e }{--651x}{--651z}{--651y}{--651v}|\r\n#653|

|{ 653a }|\r\n#654|

|{\\n6543 }{\\n654a}{--654b}{--654x}{--654z}{--654y}{--654v}|\r\n#655|

|{\\n6553 }{\\n655a}{--655b}{--655x }{--655z}{--655y}{--655v}|\r\n#656|

|{\\n6563 }{\\n656a}{--656k}{--656x}{--656z}{--656y}{--656v}|\r\n#657|

|{\\n6573 }{\\n657a}{--657x}{--657z}{--657y}{--657v}|\r\n#658|


|{ 050a }{ / 050b }|\r\n#082|

|{ 082a }{ / 082b }|\r\n#080|

|{ 080a }{ 080x }{ / 080b }|\r\n#070|

|{ 070a }{ / 070b }|\r\n#060|

|{ 060a }{ / 060b }|\r\n#074|

|{ 074a }|\r\n#086|

|{ 086a }|\r\n#088|

|{ 088a }|','70|10','OPAC ISBD','Textarea'), ('OpacItemLocation','callnum','callnum|ccode|location|library','Show the shelving location of items in the opac','Choice'), -('OPACItemsResultsDisplay','0','','If OFF : show only the status of items in result list.If ON : show full location of items (branch+location+callnumber) as in staff interface','YesNo'), ('OpacKohaUrl','1',NULL,'Show \'Powered by Koha\' text on OPAC footer.',NULL), ('OpacLangSelectorMode','both','top|both|footer','Select the location to display the language selector in OPAC','Choice'), ('OPACLanguages','en',NULL,'Set the default language in the OPAC.','Languages'), @@ -432,15 +441,12 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('OPACLocalCoverImages','0','1','Display local cover images on OPAC search and details pages.','YesNo'), ('OpacLocationBranchToDisplay','holding','holding|home|both','In the OPAC, under location show which branch for Location in the record details.','Choice'), ('OpacLocationOnDetail','holding','holding|home|both|column','In the OPAC detail, display the shelving location on its own column or under a library columns.', 'Choice'), +('OPACMandatoryHoldDates', '', '|start|end|both', 'Define which hold dates are required on OPAC reserve form', 'Choice'), ('OpacMaintenance','0','','If ON, enables maintenance warning in OPAC','YesNo'), ('OpacMaintenanceNotice','','','A user-defined block of HTML to appear on screen when OpacMaintenace is enabled','Textarea'), ('OpacMaxItemsToDisplay','50','','Max items to display at the OPAC on a biblio detail','Integer'), ('OpacMetaDescription','','','This description will show in search engine results (160 characters).','Textarea'), -('OpacMoreSearches', '', NULL, 'Add additional elements to the OPAC more searches bar', 'Textarea'), ('OPACMySummaryHTML','','70|10','Enter the HTML that will appear in a column on the \'my summary\' and \'my checkout history\' tabs when a user is logged in to the OPAC. Enter {BIBLIONUMBER}, {TITLE}, {AUTHOR}, or {ISBN} in place of their respective variables in the HTML. Leave blank to disable.','Textarea'), -('OPACMySummaryNote','','','Note to display on the patron summary page. This note only appears if the patron is connected.','Free'), -('OpacNav','Important links here.','70|10','Use HTML tags to add navigational links to the left-hand navigational bar in OPAC','Textarea'), -('OpacNavBottom','Important links here.','70|10','Use HTML tags to add navigational links to the left-hand navigational bar in OPAC','Textarea'), ('OpacNewsLibrarySelect','0','','Show selector for branches on OPAC news page','YesNo'), ('OpacNoItemTypeImages','0',NULL,'If ON, disables itemtype images in the OPAC','YesNo'), ('OPACNoResultsFound','','70|10','Display this HTML when no results are found for a search in the OPAC','Textarea'), @@ -459,6 +465,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('OpacResetPassword','0','','Shows the ''Forgot your password?'' link in the OPAC','YesNo'), ('OPACResultsLibrary', 'homebranch', 'homebranch|holdingbranch', 'Defines whether the OPAC displays the holding or home branch in search results when using XSLT', 'Choice'), ('OPACResultsSidebar','','70|10','Define HTML to be included on the search results page, underneath the facets sidebar','Textarea'), +('OPACResultsUnavailableGroupingBy','branch','branch|substatus','Group OPAC XSLT results by branch or substatus','Choice'), ('OPACSearchForTitleIn','Other Libraries (WorldCat)\nOther Databases (Google Scholar)\nOnline Stores (Bookfinder.com)\nOpen Library (openlibrary.org)','70|10','Enter the HTML that will appear in the \'Search for this title in\' box on the detail page in the OPAC. Enter {TITLE}, {AUTHOR}, or {ISBN} in place of their respective variables in the URL. Leave blank to disable \'More Searches\' menu.','Textarea'), ('OpacSeparateHoldings','0',NULL,'Separate current branch holdings from other holdings (OPAC)','YesNo'), ('OpacSeparateHoldingsBranch','homebranch','homebranch|holdingbranch','Branch used to separate holdings (OPAC)','Choice'), @@ -472,6 +479,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('OpacShowRecentComments','0',NULL,'If ON a link to recent comments will appear in the OPAC masthead','YesNo'), ('OPACShowUnusedAuthorities','1','','Show authorities that are not being used in the OPAC.','YesNo'), ('OpacStarRatings','all','disable|all|details',NULL,'Choice'), +('OPACSuggestionAutoFill','0',NULL,'Automatically fill OPAC suggestion form with data from Google Books API','YesNo'), ('OpacSuggestionManagedBy',1,'','Show the name of the staff member who managed a suggestion in OPAC','YesNo'), ('OPACSuggestionUnwantedFields',NULL,'','Define the hidden fields for a patron purchase suggestions made via OPAC.','multiple'), ('OpacSuppression','0','','Turn ON the OPAC Suppression feature, requires further setup, ask your system administrator for details','YesNo'), @@ -508,12 +516,14 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('OverdueNoticeCalendar',0,NULL,'Take the calendar into consideration when generating overdue notices','YesNo'), ('OverduesBlockCirc','noblock','noblock|confirmation|block','When checking out an item should overdues block checkout, generate a confirmation dialogue, or allow checkout','Choice'), ('OverduesBlockRenewing','allow','allow|blockitem|block','If any of patron checked out documents is late, should renewal be allowed, blocked only on overdue items or blocked on whatever checked out document','Choice'), +('PassItemMarcToXSLT','0',NULL,'If enabled, item fields in the MARC record will be made avaiable to XSLT sheets. Otherwise they will be removed.','YesNo'), ('PatronAnonymizeDelay','',NULL,'Delay for anonymizing patrons', 'Integer'), ('PatronAutoComplete','1','Try|Don\'t try','to guess the patron being entered while typing a patron search for circulation or patron search. Only returns the first 10 results at a time.','YesNo'), ('PatronDuplicateMatchingAddFields','surname|firstname|dateofbirth', NULL,'A list of fields separated by "|" to deduplicate patrons when created','Free'), ('patronimages','0',NULL,'Enable patron images for the staff interface','YesNo'), ('PatronRemovalDelay','',NULL,'Delay for removing anonymized patrons', 'Integer'), ('PatronSelfModificationBorrowerUnwantedField','',NULL,'Name the fields you don\'t want to display when a patron is editing their information via the OPAC.','free'), +('PatronSelfModificationMandatoryField','',NULL,'Define the required fields when a patron is editing their information via the OPAC','free'), ('PatronSelfRegistration','0',NULL,'If enabled, patrons will be able to register themselves via the OPAC.','YesNo'), ('PatronSelfRegistrationAdditionalInstructions','','','A free text field to display additional instructions to newly self registered patrons.','free'), ('PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerMandatoryField','surname|firstname',NULL,'Choose the mandatory fields for a patron\'s account, when registering via the OPAC.','free'), @@ -547,7 +557,9 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('QueryWeightFields','1',NULL,'If ON, enables field weighting','YesNo'), ('QuoteOfTheDay','','intranet,opac','Enable or disable display of Quote of the Day on the OPAC and staff interface home page','multiple'), ('RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight','0',NULL,'if ON, the holds queue in circulation will be randomized, either based on all location codes, or by the location codes specified in StaticHoldsQueueWeight','YesNo'), -('RecordStaffUserOnCheckout','0',NULL,'If ON, when an item is checked out, the user who checked out the item is recorded','YesNo'), +('RealTimeHoldsQueue', '0', NULL, 'Enable updating the holds queue in real time', 'YesNo'), +('RecallsLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log create/cancel/expire/fulfill actions on recalls','YesNo'), +('RecallsMaxPickUpDelay','7',NULL,'Define the maximum time a recall can be awaiting pickup','Integer'), ('RecordLocalUseOnReturn','0',NULL,'If ON, statistically record returns of unissued items as local use, instead of return','YesNo'), ('Reference_NFL_Statuses','1|2',NULL,'Contains not for loan statuses considered as available for reference','Free'), ('RefundLostOnReturnControl','CheckinLibrary','CheckinLibrary|ItemHomeBranch|ItemHoldingBranch','If a lost item is returned, choose which branch to pick rules for refunding.','Choice'), @@ -561,7 +573,8 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('RentalsInNoissuesCharge','1',NULL,'Rental charges block checkouts (added to noissuescharge).','YesNo'), ('ReplyToDefault','',NULL,'Use this email address as the replyto in emails','Free'), ('ReportsLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information about reports.','YesNo'), -('RequestOnOpac','1',NULL,'If ON, globally enables patron holds on OPAC','YesNo'), +('RequireCashRegister','0',NULL,'Require a cash register when collecting a payment','YesNo'), +('RequirePaymentType','0','','Require staff to select a payment type when a payment is made','YesNo'), ('RequireStrongPassword','1','','Require a strong login password for staff and patrons','YesNo'), ('ReservesControlBranch','PatronLibrary','ItemHomeLibrary|PatronLibrary','Branch checked for members reservations rights','Choice'), ('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay','7','','Define the Maximum delay to pick up an item on hold','Integer'), @@ -575,6 +588,8 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('RestrictedPageContent','',NULL,'HTML content of the restricted page','TextArea'), ('RestrictedPageTitle','',NULL,'Title of the restricted page (breadcrumb and header)','Free'), ('RestrictionBlockRenewing','0',NULL,'If patron is restricted, should renewal be allowed or blocked','YesNo'), +('OPACResultsMaxItems','1','','Maximum number of available items displayed in search results','Integer'), +('OPACResultsMaxItemsUnavailable','0','','Maximum number of unavailable items displayed in search results','Integer'), ('ReturnBeforeExpiry','0',NULL,'If ON, checkout will be prevented if returndate is after patron card expiry','YesNo'), ('ReturnLog','1',NULL,'If ON, enables the circulation (returns) log','YesNo'), ('ReturnpathDefault','',NULL,'Use this email address as return path or bounce address for undeliverable emails','Free'), @@ -589,7 +604,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('SCOUserCSS','',NULL,'Add CSS to be included in the SCO module in an embedded