X-Git-Url: http://koha-dev.rot13.org:8081/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=installer%2Fdata%2Fmysql%2Fmandatory%2Fsysprefs.sql;h=14a810f16c30e5df984c5a162f8d8a3b5674436a;hb=4a3b988d5c5f01d98e742f8949240a0d903919c2;hp=aab22108b030afd940412e3ddcf88ad94608794d;hpb=de9e68fdc2993caf1728e05cd08c08d9ae006c22;p=koha-ffzg.git diff --git a/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql b/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql index aab22108b0..14a810f16c 100644 --- a/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql +++ b/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql @@ -164,12 +164,13 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('DefaultHoldExpirationdate','0','','Automatically set expiration date for holds','YesNo'), ('DefaultHoldExpirationdatePeriod','0','','How long into the future default expiration date is set to be.','integer'), ('DefaultHoldExpirationdateUnitOfTime','days','days|months|years','Which unit of time is used when setting the default expiration date. ','choice'), +('DefaultHoldPickupLocation','loggedinlibrary','loggedinlibrary|homebranch|holdingbranch','Which branch should a hold pickup location default to. ','choice'), ('DefaultLanguageField008','','','Fill in the default language for field 008 Range 35-37 of MARC21 records (e.g. eng, nor, ger, see MARC Code List for Languages)','Free'), ('DefaultLongOverdueSkipLostStatuses', '', NULL, 'Skip these lost statuses by default in longoverdue.pl', 'Free'), ('DefaultLongOverdueChargeValue', '', NULL, "Charge a lost item to the borrower's account when the LOST value of the item changes to n.", 'integer'), ('DefaultLongOverdueDays', '', NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item when the item has been overdue for more than n days.", 'integer'), ('DefaultLongOverdueLostValue', '', NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item to n when the item has been overdue for more than defaultlongoverduedays days.", 'integer'), -('DefaultPatronSearchFields', 'firstname,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid',NULL,'Comma separated list defining the default fields to be used during a patron search using the "standard" option. If empty Koha will default to "firstname,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid". Additional fields added to this preference will be added as search options in the dropdown menu on the patron search page.','free'), +('DefaultPatronSearchFields', 'firstname,middle_name,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid',NULL,'Comma separated list defining the default fields to be used during a patron search using the "standard" option. If empty Koha will default to "firstname,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid". Additional fields added to this preference will be added as search options in the dropdown menu on the patron search page.','free'), ('DefaultSaveRecordFileID','biblionumber','biblionumber|controlnumber','Defines whether the advanced cataloging editor will use the bibliographic record number or control number field to populate the name of the save file','Choice'), ('defaultSortField','relevance','relevance|popularity|call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title|author','Specify the default field used for sorting','Choice'), ('defaultSortOrder','dsc','asc|dsc|az|za','Specify the default sort order','Choice'), @@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('DefaultToLoggedInLibraryOverdueTriggers', '0', NULL , 'If enabled, overdue status triggers editor will default to the logged in library''s rules, rather than the ''default'' rules.', 'YesNo'), ('CSVDelimiter',';',';|tabulation|,|/|\\|#||','Define the default separator character for exporting reports','Choice'), ('Display856uAsImage','OFF','OFF|Details|Results|Both','Display the URI in the 856u field as an image, the corresponding staff interface XSLT option must be on','Choice'), -('DisplayClearScreenButton','0','','If set to ON, a clear screen button will appear on the circulation page.','YesNo'), +('DisplayClearScreenButton','no','no|issueslip|issueqslip','If set to ON, a clear screen button will appear on the circulation page.','Choice'), ('displayFacetCount','0',NULL,NULL,'YesNo'), ('DisplayIconsXSLT','1','','If ON, displays the format, audience, and material type icons in XSLT MARC21 results and detail pages.','YesNo'), ('DisplayLibraryFacets', 'holding', 'home|holding|both', 'Defines which library facets to display.', 'Choice'), @@ -201,6 +202,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('EmailPurchaseSuggestions','0','0|EmailAddressForSuggestions|BranchEmailAddress|KohaAdminEmailAddress','Choose email address that new purchase suggestions will be sent to: ','Choice'), ('EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor','0','','Enable the Rancor advanced cataloging editor','YesNo'), ('EnableBorrowerFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to a borrower record.','YesNo'), +('EnableExpiredPasswordReset', '0', NULL, 'Enable ability for patrons with expired password to reset their password directly', 'YesNo'), ('EnableOpacSearchHistory','1','YesNo','Enable or disable opac search history',''), ('EnablePointOfSale','0',NULL,'Enable the point of sale feature to allow anonymous transactions with the accounting system. (Requires UseCashRegisters)','YesNo'), ('EnableSearchHistory','0','','Enable or disable search history','YesNo'), @@ -229,7 +231,8 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('finesMode','off','off|production','Choose the fines mode, \'off\' (no charges), \'production\' (accrue overdue fines). Requires accruefines cronjob.','Choice'), ('FRBRizeEditions','0','','If ON, Koha will query one or more ISBN web services for associated ISBNs and display an Editions tab on the details pages','YesNo'), ('GDPR_Policy','','Enforced|Permissive|Disabled','General Data Protection Regulation - policy', 'Choice'), -('TaxRates','0','','Default Goods and Services tax rate NOT in %, but in numeric form (0.12 for 12%), set to 0 to disable GST','Integer'), +('GenerateAuthorityField667', 'Machine generated authority record', NULL, 'When BiblioAddsAuthorities and AutoCreateAuthorities are enabled, use this as a default value for the 667$a field of MARC21 records', 'free'), +('GenerateAuthorityField670', 'Work cat.', NULL, 'When BiblioAddsAuthorities and AutoCreateAuthorities are enabled, use this as a default value for the 670$a field of MARC21 records', 'free'), ('GoogleJackets','0',NULL,'if ON, displays jacket covers from Google Books API','YesNo'), ('GoogleOpenIDConnect', '0', NULL, 'if ON, allows the use of Google OpenID Connect for login', 'YesNo'), ('GoogleOAuth2ClientID', '', NULL, 'Client ID for the web app registered with Google', 'Free'), @@ -476,6 +479,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('OpacShowRecentComments','0',NULL,'If ON a link to recent comments will appear in the OPAC masthead','YesNo'), ('OPACShowUnusedAuthorities','1','','Show authorities that are not being used in the OPAC.','YesNo'), ('OpacStarRatings','all','disable|all|details',NULL,'Choice'), +('OPACSuggestionAutoFill','0',NULL,'Automatically fill OPAC suggestion form with data from Google Books API','YesNo'), ('OpacSuggestionManagedBy',1,'','Show the name of the staff member who managed a suggestion in OPAC','YesNo'), ('OPACSuggestionUnwantedFields',NULL,'','Define the hidden fields for a patron purchase suggestions made via OPAC.','multiple'), ('OpacSuppression','0','','Turn ON the OPAC Suppression feature, requires further setup, ask your system administrator for details','YesNo'), @@ -553,6 +557,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('QueryWeightFields','1',NULL,'If ON, enables field weighting','YesNo'), ('QuoteOfTheDay','','intranet,opac','Enable or disable display of Quote of the Day on the OPAC and staff interface home page','multiple'), ('RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight','0',NULL,'if ON, the holds queue in circulation will be randomized, either based on all location codes, or by the location codes specified in StaticHoldsQueueWeight','YesNo'), +('RealTimeHoldsQueue', '0', NULL, 'Enable updating the holds queue in real time', 'YesNo'), ('RecallsLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log create/cancel/expire/fulfill actions on recalls','YesNo'), ('RecallsMaxPickUpDelay','7',NULL,'Define the maximum time a recall can be awaiting pickup','Integer'), ('RecordLocalUseOnReturn','0',NULL,'If ON, statistically record returns of unissued items as local use, instead of return','YesNo'), @@ -568,6 +573,8 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('RentalsInNoissuesCharge','1',NULL,'Rental charges block checkouts (added to noissuescharge).','YesNo'), ('ReplyToDefault','',NULL,'Use this email address as the replyto in emails','Free'), ('ReportsLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information about reports.','YesNo'), +('RequireCashRegister','0',NULL,'Require a cash register when collecting a payment','YesNo'), +('RequirePaymentType','0','','Require staff to select a payment type when a payment is made','YesNo'), ('RequireStrongPassword','1','','Require a strong login password for staff and patrons','YesNo'), ('ReservesControlBranch','PatronLibrary','ItemHomeLibrary|PatronLibrary','Branch checked for members reservations rights','Choice'), ('ReservesMaxPickUpDelay','7','','Define the Maximum delay to pick up an item on hold','Integer'), @@ -681,6 +688,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` ('TagsShowOnDetail','10','','Number of tags to display on detail page. 0 is off.','Integer'), ('TagsShowOnList','6','','Number of tags to display on search results list. 0 is off.','Integer'), ('TalkingTechItivaPhoneNotification','0',NULL,'If ON, enables Talking Tech I-tiva phone notifications','YesNo'), +('TaxRates','0','','Default Goods and Services tax rate NOT in %, but in numeric form (0.12 for 12%), set to 0 to disable GST','Integer'), ('template','prog','','Define the preferred staff interface template','Themes'), ('ThingISBN','0','','Use with FRBRizeEditions. If ON, Koha will use the ThingISBN web service in the Editions tab on the detail pages.','YesNo'), ('TimeFormat','24hr','12hr|24hr','Defines the global time format for visual output.','Choice'),