#!/usr/bin/perl package PrefPo; sub new { my ($class, $lang) = @_; my $self = { lang => $lang }; my $context = C4::Context->new(); $self->{path_en} = $context->config('intrahtdocs') . '/prog/en/modules/admin/preferences'; $self->{path_lang} = $context->config('intrahtdocs') . "/prog/$lang/modules/admin/preferences"; $self->{po} = {}; bless $self, $class; } package Tokenizer; use strict; use warnings; use C4::Context; use YAML::Syck qw( Dump LoadFile ); use Data::Dumper; use Locale::PO; sub new { my ($class, $lang) = @_; my $self = { lang => $lang }; my $context = C4::Context->new(); $self->{path_en} = $context->config('intrahtdocs') . '/prog/en/modules/admin/preferences'; $self->{path_lang} = $context->config('intrahtdocs') . "/prog/$lang/modules/admin/preferences"; $self->{po} = {}; bless $self, $class; } sub po_filename { my $self = shift; my $context = C4::Context->new; my $trans_path = $context->config('intranetdir') . '/misc/translator/po'; my $trans_file = "$trans_path/" . $self->{lang} . "-pref.po"; return $trans_file; } sub po_append { my ($self, $id, $comment) = @_; my $po = $self->{po}; my $p = $po->{$id}; if ( $p ) { $p->comment( $p->comment . "\n" . $comment ); } else { $po->{$id} = Locale::PO->new( -comment => $comment, -msgid => $id, -msgstr => '' ); } } sub add_prefs { my ($self, $comment, $prefs) = @_; for my $pref ( @$prefs ) { my $pref_name = ''; for my $element ( @$pref ) { if ( ref( $element) eq 'HASH' ) { $pref_name = $element->{pref}; last; } } for my $element ( @$pref ) { if ( ref( $element) eq 'HASH' ) { while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$element) ) { next unless $key eq 'choices'; next unless ref($value) eq 'HASH'; for my $ckey ( keys %$value ) { my $id = $self->{file} . "#$pref_name# " . $value->{$ckey}; $self->po_append( $id, $comment ); } } } elsif ( $element ) { $self->po_append( $self->{file} . "#$pref_name# $element", $comment ); } } } } sub get_trans_text { my ($self, $id) = @_; my $po = $self->{po}->{'"'.$id.'"'}; return unless $po; return Locale::PO->dequote($po->msgstr); } sub update_prefs { my ($self, $pref, $prefs) = @_; for my $p ( @$prefs ) { my $pref_name = ''; next unless $p; my @pref_array = @$p; for my $element ( @pref_array ) { if ( ref( $element) eq 'HASH' ) { $pref_name = $element->{pref}; last; } } for my $i ( 0..$#pref_array ) { my $element = $pref_array[$i]; if ( ref( $element) eq 'HASH' ) { while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$element) ) { next unless $key eq 'choices'; next unless ref($value) eq 'HASH'; for my $ckey ( keys %$value ) { my $id = $self->{file} . "#$pref_name# " . $value->{$ckey}; my $text = $self->get_trans_text( $id ); $value->{$ckey} = $text if $text; } } } elsif ( $element ) { my $text = $self->get_trans_text( $self->{file} . "#$pref_name# $element" ); $p->[$i] = $text if $text; } } } } sub get_po_from_prefs { my $self = shift; chdir( $self->{path_en} ); for my $file ( <*.pref> ) { my $pref = LoadFile($file); $self->{file} = $file; #print Dump($pref), "\n"; while ( my ($tab, $tab_content) = each %$pref ) { print "TAB: $tab\n"; if ( ref($tab_content) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $self->add_prefs( $tab, $tab_content ); next; } while ( my ($section, $sysprefs) = each %$tab_content ) { my $comment = "$tab > $section"; $self->po_append( $self->{file} . " " . $section, $comment ); $self->add_prefs( $comment, $sysprefs ); } } } } sub save_po { my $self = shift; # Write .po entries into a file put in Koha standard po directory Locale::PO->save_file_fromhash( $self->po_filename, $self->{po} ); print "Saved in file: ", $self->po_filename, "\n"; } sub init { my $self = shift; $self->get_po_from_prefs(); $self->save_po(); } sub update { my $self = shift; # Get po from current .pref files $self->get_po_from_prefs(); my $po_current = $self->{po}; # Get po from previous generation my $po_previous = Locale::PO->load_file_ashash( $self->po_filename ); for my $id ( keys %$po_current ) { my $po = $po_previous->{'"'.$id.'"'}; next unless $po; my $text = Locale::PO->dequote( $po->msgstr ); $po_current->{$id}->msgstr( $text ); } $self->save_po(); } sub install { my $self = shift; unless ( -r $self->{path_lang} ) { print "Koha directories hierarchy for ", $self->{lang}, " must be created first\n"; exit; } $self->{po} = Locale::PO->load_file_ashash( $self->po_filename ); chdir( $self->{path_en} ); for my $file ( <*.pref> ) { my $pref = LoadFile($file); $self->{file} = $file; while ( my ($tab, $tab_content) = each %$pref ) { if ( ref($tab_content) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $self->update_prefs( $pref, $tab_content ); next; } while ( my ($section, $sysprefs) = each %$tab_content ) { $self->update_prefs( $pref, $sysprefs ); } my $ntab = {}; for my $section ( keys %$tab_content ) { my $text = $self->get_trans_text($self->{file} . " $section"); my $nsection = $text ? $text : $section; $ntab->{$nsection} = $tab_content->{$section}; } $pref->{$tab} = $ntab; } my $file_trans = $self->{path_lang} . "/$file"; print "Write $file\n"; open my $fh, ">", $file_trans; print $fh Dump($pref); } } package Main; use strict; use warnings; use Pod::Usage; sub usage { pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ); exit; } usage() if $#ARGV != 1; my ($cmd, $lang) = @ARGV; if ( $cmd =~ /init|install|update/i ) { my $tokenizer = Tokenizer->new( $lang ); $tokenizer->init( ) if $cmd =~ /init/i; $tokenizer->update( ) if $cmd =~ /update/i; $tokenizer->install( ) if $cmd =~ /install/i; } else { usage(); } =head1 NAME pref-trans - Handle preferences translation =head1 SYNOPSYS pref-trans init fr-FR pref-trans update fr-FR pref-trans install fr-FR =head1 USAGE =over =item pref-trans init F Create a .po file in po directory, named F-pref.po. This file contains text to translate extracted from .pref files. =item pref-trans update F Update a .po file in po directory, named F-pref.po. This file contains new text to translate extracted from .pref files. Previous translated text are kept. There is a minor bug, which can't be fixed due to preferences data struture: preferences tab subsection labels are lost when updating .po file. =item pref-trans install F Use F-pref.po file to translate the english version of preferences files and copy those files in the appropriate directory. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION Koha preferences are stored in a data structure found in koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/en/module/admin/preferences/ files. Depending of user language, other files are used. This script extract text from 'en' preference files, and put them in one .po file. This .po file can be updated. When completed, a .po file can be applied to create localized versions of preferences templates. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2010 by Tamil, s.a.r.l. L This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1. =cut