Circulation: # broken, omitted: emailLibrarianWhenHoldIsPlaced, holdCancelLength, WebBasedSelfCheck # FIXME: printcirculationslips is also omitted. It _technically_ could work, but C4::Print is HLT specific and needs a little bit of refactoring. Interface: - - pref: CircAutocompl choices: yes: Try no: "Don't try" - to guess the patron being entered while typing a patron search on the circulation screen. - - pref: itemBarcodeInputFilter choices: OFF: "Don't filter" whitespace: Remove spaces from cuecat: Convert from CueCat form T-prefix: Remove the first number from T-prefix style - scanned patron barcodes. - - Sort previous checkouts on the circulation page from - pref: previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder choices: asc: earliest to latest desc: latest to earliest - due date. - - "Sort today's checkouts on the circulation page from" - pref: todaysIssuesDefaultSortOrder type: choice choices: asc: earliest to latest desc: latest to earliest - due date. - - pref: SpecifyDueDate choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow" - staff to specify a due date for a checkout. - - pref: AllowAllMessageDeletion choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow" - staff to delete messages added from other libraries. - - Mark a hold as problematic if it has been waiting for more than - pref: ReservesMaxPickUpDelay class: integer - days. - - Show the - pref: numReturnedItemsToShow class: integer - last returned items on the checkin screen. - - pref: FilterBeforeOverdueReport choices: yes: Require no: "Don't require" - staff to choose which checkouts to show before running the overdues report. - pref: DisplayClearScreenButton choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - a button to clear the current patron from the screen on the circulation screen. Checkout Policy: - - pref: AllowNotForLoanOverride choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow" - staff to override and check out items that are marked as not for loan. - - pref: AllowRenewalLimitOverride choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow" - staff to manually override the renewal limit and renew a checkout when it would go over the renewal limit. - - When items are created, give them the temporary location of - pref: NewItemsDefaultLocation class: short - (should be a location code, or blank to disable). - - pref: InProcessingToShelvingCart choices: yes: Move no: "Don't move" - items that have the location PROC to the location CART when they are checked in. - - pref: ReturnToShelvingCart choices: yes: Move no: "Don't move" - all items to the location CART when they are checked in. - - pref: AutomaticItemReturn choices: yes: Do no: "Don't" - automatically transfer items to their home branch when they are returned. - - pref: UseBranchTransferLimits choices: yes: Enforce no: "Don't enforce" - branch transfer limits based on - pref: BranchTransferLimitsType choices: ccode: collection code itemtype: item type - . - - Use the checkout and fines rules of - pref: CircControl type: choice choices: PickupLibrary: the library you are logged in at. PatronLibrary: the library the patron is from. ItemHomeBranch: the library the item is from. - - Use the checkout and fines rules of - pref: HomeOrHoldingBranch type: choice choices: homebranch: the library the item is from. holdingbranch: the library the item was checked out from. - "
NOTE: This is older than CircControl, but used by some parts of Koha. It will be removed soon." - - Make all checkouts have a due date of - pref: globalDueDate class: date - . - - Make all checkouts due on or before - pref: ceilingDueDate class: date - . - - pref: useDaysMode choices: Days: Include Calendar: "Don't include" - days when the library in closed when calculating due dates. - - When renewing checkouts, base the new due date on - pref: RenewalPeriodBase choices: date_due: the old due date of the checkout. now: the current date. - - Prevent patrons from making holds on the OPAC if they owe more than - pref: maxoutstanding class: currency - in fines. - - Show a warning on the "Transfers to Recieve" screen if the transfer has not been received - pref: TransfersMaxDaysWarning class: integer - after it is sent. - - pref: IssuingInProcess choices: yes: Prevent no: "Don't prevent" - patrons from checking out an item whose rental charge would take them over the limit. - - Prevent patrons from checking out books if they have more than - pref: noissuescharge class: integer - in fines. - - pref: ReturnBeforeExpiry choices: yes: Require no: "Don't require" - "patrons to return books before their accounts expire (by restricting due dates to before the patron's expiration date)." Holds Policy: - - pref: AllowHoldPolicyOverride choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow" - staff to override hold policies when placing holds. - - pref: AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow" - hold requests to be placed on damaged items. - - pref: AllowOnShelfHolds choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow" - hold requests to be placed on items that are not checked out. - - Satisfy holds from the libraries - pref: StaticHoldsQueueWeight class: multi - (as branchcodes, separated by commas; if empty, uses all libraries) - pref: RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight choices: yes: in random order. no: in that order. - - - pref: canreservefromotherbranches choices: yes: Allow no: "Don't allow (with independent branches)" - a user from one library to place a hold on an item from another library - - pref: ReservesNeedReturns choices: yes: "Don't automatically" no: Automatically - mark holds as found and waiting when a hold is placed specifically on them and they are already checked in. - - Patrons can only have - pref: maxreserves class: integer - holds at once. Fines Policy: - - Calculate fines based on days overdue - pref: finesCalendar type: choice choices: ignoreCalendar: directly. noFinesWhenClosed: not including days the library is closed. - - - pref: finesMode type: choice choices: off: "Don't calculate" test: Calculate (but only for mailing to the admin) production: Calculate and charge - fines (when misc/cronjobs/ is being run). Self Checkout: - - pref: ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck choices: yes: Show no: "Don't show" - "the patron's picture (if one has been added) when they use the web-based self checkout."