# Apache configuration settings that are shared for every Koha instance. # This file contains settings for the Plack configuration of the OPAC. # # This file should be included from an instance's # /etc/apache2/site-available file, from within the VirtualHost section # for the OPAC. # Plack is only available out-of-the-box for Apache 2.4.7+ setups = 2.4.8> ProxyPreserveHost On # RequestHeader set X-FORWARDED-PROTO "https" # Point the intranet site to Plack ProxyPass /index.html "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/opac/opac-main.pl" ProxyPass /cgi-bin/koha "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/opac" ProxyPassReverse /cgi-bin/koha "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/opac" # Point the /api endpoint to Plack RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/api/v[0-1]+/app.pl RewriteRule ^/api/(v[0-9]+)/(.*)$ /api/$1/app.pl/api/$1/$2 [L,PT] ProxyPass /api "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/api" ProxyPassReverse /api "unix:/var/run/koha/${instance}/plack.sock|http://localhost/api"