moving templates to structure defined by finlay
[koha-ffzg.git] / koha-tmpl / intranet-tmpl / default / en / includes /
1 <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">\r
2 <!--Authored by 104:38 1/11/99-->\r
3 <!--updated by 12:24 12/01/00-->\r
4 <!--updated by 1/3/00-->\r
5 <!--renamed by 21/04/02 "aquisitions" to "acquisitions" -->\r
6 \r
7 <html>\r
8 <head>\r
9 <title>KOHA: INTRANET: Acquisitions</title>\r
10 \r
11 <style type="text/css">\r
12 <!--\r
13 select,option {font-size:12px}\r
14 -->\r
15 \r
16 </style>\r
17 \r
18 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">\r
19 // go to page selected from options menu\r
20 \r
21 function leapto(form) {\r
22 var myindex=form.dest.selectedIndex\r
23 parent.location.href=(form.dest.options[myindex].value);\r
24 }\r
25 \r
26           //\r
27    \r
28 if (document.images){\r
29 \r
30 menu=new Image;\r
31 menu.src ="/images/acq-acq.gif"\r
32 \r
33 }\r
34 \r
35 \r
36         //\r
37 //adder\r
38 \r
39 \r
40 //display tidys up a number for display: hopefully leaving 2 decimal points\r
41 \r
42 function display(numb){\r
43   if (parseInt(numb)){\r
44     if (numb== Math.round(numb)){\r
45       return ( numb + ".00")\r
46     }\r
47     else {\r
48       numb=(numb + "0");\r
49       return (numb.substring(0,(numb.indexOf(".")+3)))\r
50     }\r
51   }\r
52   else{\r
53     return "0.00"\r
54   }\r
55 }\r
56 // update -- the main function\r
57 \r
58 function update(f){\r
59   z=0;\r
60   total=0;\r
61   count=0;\r
62   subtotal=0;\r
63   discount=0;\r
64   q=f.length-5;\r
65   while (z < q){\r
66 //     f.elements[z].value=z;\r
67     z++;\r
68     //skip rrp for now\r
69     est = parseFloat(f.elements[z].value);\r
70     z++;\r
71     quant = parseInt(f.elements[z].value);\r
72     z++;\r
73     booktotal= est*quant;\r
74     f.elements[z].value=display(booktotal);\r
75     subtotal = subtotal + booktotal;\r
76     z++;\r
77     z++;\r
78     z++;\r
79   }\r
80   GST=subtotal*0.125;\r
81   total=subtotal+GST;\r
82   f.subtotal.value = display(subtotal);\r
83   f.gst.value =display(GST);\r
84   f.grandtotal.value =display(total);\r
85 }\r
86     \r
87     //-->\r
88     \r
89 </script>\r
90 \r
91 </head>\r
92 <body text="black" bgcolor="white" link="#0000ff" vlink="#0000ff" "3366cc" Alink="#cc3300"\r
93 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 leftmargin=0 topmargin=0>\r
94 \r
95 \r
96 <!--HDL Colours\r
97         Yellow = ffcc00 \r
98         light blue = ccccff\r
99         bright blue links = 0000ff\r
100         aubergine = 663266 \r
101         light green/grey = cccc99\r
102 -->\r
103 \r
104 <!------------------------MENUS-------------------------------->\r
105 \r
106 <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%" border=0>\r
107 <tr bgcolor=ffcc00  >\r
108 \r
109         <td valign=top >\r
110         <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0  border=0 height=29>\r
111         <tr valign=top bgcolor=ffcc00 >\r
112         <td background="/images/catalogue-spot-1.gif" width="224" \r
113         height="29"><font size=1 face="arial"><img src="/images/holder.gif" width=210 height=4 alt=" " hspace=0 vspace=0><br>\r
114         <img src="/images/holder.gif" \r
115         width=35 height=21 align=left alt=" " hspace=0 vspace=0><font size="+1">KOHA: <a href="/">Main Menu</a></font><br>\r
116         <img src="/images/holder.gif" width=210 height=1 alt=" " hspace=0 vspace=0></FONT></td>\r
117         \r
118         </TR></TABLE></TD>\r
119 \r
120         <td  valign=bottom align=right><img src="/images/holder.gif"\r
121           WIDTH=1  HEIGHT=38 HSPACE=0 vspace=0></td>\r
122 \r
123         <td  valign=bottom align=right>\r
124         <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0  border=0 height=29><tr><td><img src=/images/acq-acq.gif     border="0" name=menu usemap="#map" HSPACE=0 vspace=0 ></td>\r
125         \r
126         </TR></TABLE></TD>\r
127 </tr>\r
128 \r
129 <TR VALIGN=TOP BGCOLOR="000000"><TD  COLSPAN=3><img src="/images/blackdot.gif"  WIDTH=1  HEIGHT=2  HSPACE=0 vspace=0></TD></TR>\r
130 \r
131 </table>\r
132 \r
133 \r
134 <map name="map">\r
135 <area shape="rect" coords="18,8,84,27" href="/catalogue/" alt="Catalogue" onMouseOver="if(document.images)'/images/acq-cat.gif'" onMouseOut="if(document.images)'/images/acq-acq.gif'">\r
136 \r
137 <area shape="rect" coords="94,8,149,28" href="/members/" alt="Members" onMouseOver="if(document.images)'/images/acq-mem.gif'" onMouseOut="if(document.images)'/images/acq-acq.gif'">\r
138 \r
139 <area shape="rect" coords="154,9,212,29" alt="Acquisitions"   href="/cgi-bin/koha/" onMouseOver="if(document.images)'/images/acq-acq.gif'" onMouseOut="if(document.images)'/images/acq-acq.gif'">\r
140 \r
141 <area  shape="rect"alt="Reports"  coords="217,7,289,27"href="/reports/" onMouseOver="if(document.images)'/images/acq-rep.gif'" onMouseOut="if(document.images)'/images/acq-acq.gif'">\r
142 \r
143 <area shape="rect" coords="306,8,352,27" href="/cgi-bin/koha/circ/" alt="Circulation" onMouseOver="if(document.images)'/images/acq-crc.gif'" onMouseOut="if(document.images)'/images/acq-acq.gif'">\r
144 \r
145 <area  shape="rect" alt="Home" coords="374,9,419,29" href="/" onMouseOver="if(document.images)'/images/acq-hom.gif'" onMouseOut="if(document.images)'/images/acq-acq.gif'">\r
146 <area shape="default" nohref>\r
147 </map>\r
148 \r
150 \r